Comfort Study


(This is based on a Skinner Release warm-up)

As Sensation/Action flow, only now, the response to sensation is to physically ask and answer the question, “What would make this part of the body more comfortable?” The sensation is a call to move towards comfort of this part of the body. Assume that sensation is a call to move towards comfort and do so. Work with first impulse without restraint. As each new sensation arises continue the process with the new sensation until there is a continuous flow of movement towards comfort. Movement may be soft or hard, may call for stretch, release, activation, effort, ascension, descent, move through space. Assume that it calls for a change in whatever comes to mind – trust the first thoughts. For example one notices speed of movement … assume that this is a call to decelerate or accelerate, again with the idea of what the sensation wants, what will make it more comfortable.

Do not give time to evaluate or to figure out … ask and answer physically! Just notice sensation and alter the flow of movement towards comfort. Assume that sensation is a call for redirection and change.